Honors Competition
Saturday, March 15th, 2025
Join the annual SJSM-SPCM Honors Competiton!
Saturday, March 15th: Auditions for all divisions
Division A (3rd grade & younger): 10-11:30am
Division B (4th-7th grade): 11:30am-1:00pm
Division C (8th-12th grade): 1:00-2:30pm
Registration due Wednesday, March 5th, 2025
About the Competiton:
Students perform a memorized* piece for judges who provide insights into their strengths and areas for growth, helping them to understand the next steps toward mastery. Judges will listen for technique, accuracy, and musicianship; written comments will be given to students. Students will be chosen for scholarship prizes and performances at the Honors Recital who demonstrate excellence in categories reflecting the high standards of the Competition. In special circumstances, a video/recorded audition will be accepted.
*all participants need to be memorized except winds, brass
Selected participants will perform in the Honors Recital on Saturday, March 22nd at 2pm in the SJSM-SPCM Recital Hall.
Time Limits & Requirements
Division A (3rd grade & younger): 2-4 minutes of performance, two contrasting pieces.
Division B (4th-7th grade): 3.5-6 minutes of performance, two contrasting pieces.
Division C (8th-12th grade): 4.5-8 minutes of performance, can be two contrasting pieces or one longer piece or movement.
Cost: Application fee of $25 (non-refundable) is due by the registration date of March 5. Checks should be made out to SJSM-SPCM, or payments by credit card Link. Credit card fees will apply.
Accompaniment: There will be a staff accompanist available---please indicate your need on the application. You are also welcome to provide your own accompanist.
Audition Day: Auditions will take place at SJSM-SPCM in the Recital Hall. Check in with the proctor when you arrive. Practice rooms will be available for warm-ups. Auditions are private with only the judges in the room.
Attire is concert dress (concert black or dress pants, skirt or dress. No sneakers or jeans.)
Bring two copies of your music with measures numbered for the judges.