Imogen Davis
Imogen Davis
IMOGEN DAVIS has served on the faculties of the University of Cincinnati College Conservatory Preparatory Division, Bermuda Conservatory of Music, and MacPhail Center for Music in addition to St. Joseph’s School of Music. As a child, Davis studied piano, music theory, and improvisation with Eloise Ristad, author of “A Soprano on Her Head.” She went on to study with Doris Pridonoff Lehnert at the University of Colorado College of Music. As a student at the University, she won numerous honors, including the Fiske Scholarship for Performers and a full-tuition scholarship. She was also a regional finalist in the Music Teachers National Association Collegiate level auditions. Davis went on to study with Frank Weinstock at the University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music, and received her Suzuki teacher training from Mary Craig Powell, Valerie Lloyd-Watts, and Rita Hauck.