Ada Tzab
Ada Tzab
Suzuki Harp, Piano, and Early Childhood
Ada Tzab is the first classical harpist from Yucatan, Mexico. She is currently pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts in Harp Performance degree at the University of Minnesota under the guidance of Professor Kathy Kienzle.
Ada was born in a Mayan community, and started studying piano as a teenager in Merida, Mexico. During her undergraduate studies she started as a conductor and later devoted herself to the harp. Looking to expand her learning, Ada moved to France and studied at the Conservatory of Rueil Malmaison with Christine Icart. She has performed solo and chamber music recitals, as well as participated in symphony orchestras in Mexico, Belize, France and the United States. Another important aspect in her musical endeavors is pedagogy. She is a Suzuki Harp trained teacher and has extensive experience in teaching music to young children. One of her main life goals is to bring music to marginalized communities, and she has done so through the organization of different educational concerts and activities for kids and young people among Mayan communities.